Become a Tournament Organizer

We hope to continue organizing smaller local tournaments in the same way Ignis was run in 2022-23. While Prometheus can work on tournaments from anywhere, these tournaments will each need at least one director to manage specifics regarding the tournament and direct it on-site. We’re looking for individuals willing to make tournaments happen by taking on one of the following roles:

Full director: Managing all aspects of the tournament with light overhead guidance from Prometheus. This should generally be someone who has organized a tournament before and is comfortable doing so.

Co-director: Managing aspects of the tournament on-site and directing the tournament as the Prometheus team plans logistics and communicates with teams. This position is fairly similar to the full director above but will have fewer responsibilities.

Site manager: Only managing logistics and communication with the hosting site. This person will not be involved in directing the tournament; we’ll find other alumni or students to help with that. Host schools are allowed to participate in their tournament, so we encourage current high school students to use this option.